
Full Version: Kratom ILLEGAL in USA
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It was proposed I think twice for federal schedule
However, it fell through. So as far as I know you can get it. It is regulated by states, so it’s on you to look up your state. Most vendors list the states or use the google.
The American Kratom Association sent me an email yesterday on their fight to keep it legal.

The first paragraph reads:
Washington, D.C. - June 21, 2018 - Nine leading scientists delivered a letter to U.S. Senate and House Leadership condemning the FDA recommendation for scheduling of the natural plant as a Schedule I banned substance, and urging the DEA to return the recommendation to the FDA for further study and development of appropriate regulations to preserve consumer access for the 3 – 5 million kratom users in America.

Go to their website for the full article.

Right now it is legal in most states, but that could change at any time.
Got another email from AKA. House Bill HR6 passed on Fri and it seems like they are targeting analogs and synthetics, but it's so poorly written that natural herbs like Kr@tom might be swept up in it. It still needs to go to the Senate and the President, but it's only a matter of time before RC's, analogs and Kratom are completely banned in the US. I tried doing a web search to try and decipher it with no luck maybe someone smarter than I can sort it out.

Protect Access by American Consumers
to Natural Botanical Plants and Herbs

The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 6 on Friday that combined 58 different bills that attempt to end the scourge of the opioid epidemic in America.

The sponsors of H.R. 6 in the House admit it’s not perfect, and they are dead right on that point.

In the rush to show how serious the Congress is in addressing the opioid crisis prior to the mid-term elections, several of these 58 bills contain provisions that will actually deny Americans access to safe natural plants and herbs that help Americans manage their health and well-being.

I am asking you to contact your U.S Senators immediately and ask them to support amendments to these proposed bills to exclude natural botanical plants and herbs from the wide swath of substances presently included in many of those bills.

Two of those bills, the SITSA Act (Stop the Importation and Trafficking of Synthetic Analogues Act of 2017), and the SCREEN Act (Stop Counterfeit Drugs by Regulating and Enhancing Enforcement Now) both attempt to stop deadly synthetic opioids from being shipped into the United States from other countries.

But both of these bills contain such broad definitions of the substances covered under the proposed legislation they will actually ban natural botanical plants and herbs.

It is critical that the Senate support amendments to exclude natural botanical plants and herbs.

Your Senators need to hear from you immediately!

If you don't know your Senator's contact information, please click HERE or call the Senate switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Millions of Americans safely and responsibly use natural alternatives to dangerously addictive and often deadly chemically formulated drugs, including opioids, and these bills will literally block consumer access to safe natural plants and herbs.

On Monday, please call your Senators and ask them to support every amendment that exempts natural botanical plants and herbs – that are in no way synthetic analogues of an opioid – and protect the right of consumers to have access to safe alternative products to manage their own health needs.

The Senate needs to support the amendments to SITSA and SCREEN to exclude natural botanical plants and herbs.

Thank you,

Dave Herman
American Kratom Association
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Ya, I got that update yesterday. NIDA's new stance surely puts a monkey wrench in the FDA's plan to schedule it. I'm all for the gov putting their resources to stopping "adulterated krat0m". With more information coming out, hopefully this "witch hunt" will be over soon.
Kratom has always been illegal in my country. Luckily a neighbouring country still sells it. 
It has helpen me many times int he past
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