
Full Version: The S@PO (laughing to keep from crying)
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This isn't new and it isn't news (to many) but the host words at the end pretty much sum up how I'm feeling about these guys right now. I actually lol'd about something that is pretty dire at this moment so I figured I'd share.  This has to at least make those of us with a mostly reliable local post a little grateful? 

Sorry if you've heard this one before...
Wow. Thanks for sharing that. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth but thank you just the same
This was what a vendor was explaining to me when I inquired why he noted that there would be a probably delay in recieving my order. But this just explained a lot. I guess all I got to count on is luck, which is not I tend to have much of. So I guess I will use my backup and that is faith. If I don't have that I would never get out of bed each day. Kinda joking kinda not. Well thanks again for sharing.
WOW! Will they ever get it together? Thanks luckydate this is one I hadn't heard
Please don''t mention vendors. It gives up country of origin.

(This is directed to new people trying to start up another thread.)

But, u are doing it right. Carry on.
we are also coming upon the holidays soon, a historically high time for open parcels
Yes save the politial climate a local private courier could make a living. If one could acquire a physical place to safely do business for starters.  I have been to this part of the world, encountered pirates in the flesh and studied its policies for some time.  Im glad to see the west is getting a small glipmse into just how corrupt government is there.  When the state is the moral example, it is sure to permiate the people just working to make ends meet. I am by no means justifying it but we've seen it many times in many places throughout history.  I only pray that the people in the region will one day prosper freely in their homeland.  It seems a human right and there is a special place in hell for these oligarchs...sorry rant over.  

This  initial post was just meant to help give insight and perspective on one of the lesser pain points their citizens deal with on a day to day basis.  Glad it helped shine a light
I'll probably get my mags in months, if at all! Bummer! I saw pictures of all of the stacked mail, and it was mind blowing! If I get my mags it will be all smiles!Smile
Crazy, I know this is old but explains a lot about the postal issues. Thanks for posting luckydate!
It's actually ongoing and still affecting a lot of people as I'm sure you probably know.  Considering the current chaos it's amazing it was doing so well for so many years because they've always had a lot of issues so maybe everyone just got real lucky?  Now, like Levi said,  people are being instructed to get things in the mail months in advance so it's almost like the latest strike was just one more notch in the belt.  That podcast is going on a year old and look at what has happened since.  So yet again all we can do is hope for the best and prepare for the worst.  I'm definitely not trying to be a debbie downer but people around other "forums" were so shocked that something might take more than 2 weeks to forever to arrive to them or be opened or never show up at all with no explanation. Then to just blame the company they bought it from -  I was hoping at least one person who might need to know how it kinda is over there would get some info here. I guess it all seems so overwhelming but for some reason I'm still overall optimistic that balance will come, eventually...
it is a terrible situation. and so many big mouths just had to put up all the information about these vendors at other forums. a couple yrs ago. I am surprised they stayed up so long after that fiasco.

i hope that every scum whom profitted off the problems in the area will be damned eternally.

not everyone can make it through yet another full withdrawal from medicines.

and yet they scam each other on ttm forum. they have no conscience. no concern for others. why should they expect ttm to put themselves in potential harms way for a bunch of newbie blabbermouth fools such as these?
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