
Full Version: Flying with Bozos
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So a friend of mine is looking to go on a trip that requires his family to fly and he gets a lot of flight anxiety like I do. He also has some social anxiety and is meeting tons of family that puts him on edge. He's thinking about bringing a few pages of his magazine subscriptions with him to read before the flight and during the vacation to keep him calm but does not have a dok's note for them. Do you think he could slip maybe 20 pages into his baggage unnoticed? I told him to just get a small skript from his dok and use that if he could but it may not be an option. Not really sure what to tell him. I know I flew before and had several different allergy medz and vitamins and they didn't even look in my case.

Does anyone have any advice or experience with this? 

Thanks in advance!
My experience has been that customs and immigration are uninterested in almost all medications if the amounts involved are clearly for personal use. The last time we came through international immigration, they had sniffer dogs, and I wondered if the dogs were there to sniff for pills in my baggage. As the dogs headed to sniff the baggage, it soon became clear that the dogs' interest was in fruit and vegetables, not pills, and indeed, I had the dubious pleasure of watching somebody get detained because he had tried to bring some fresh fruit through immigration in a carrier bag. Don't do that!

I see what you are saying. I feel like there should be quotations around the words fruits and vegetables. Wink
He is flying US domestic from one state to another. Not really sure how that works. I'm not very familiar with flying.
I fly with meds out of RX bottles all the time. I have done so for years or I will mix pills in bottles to travel w less containers. I know the rules say not to for RX items but I do it all the time and have never once been questioned both in carry on or checked bags.
I preffer carry on because I can tell them it has my heart meds (which is true) and I cant be without them or my other necessary meds. They dont get paid enough to care what you personally have.