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Angel  It is Well with My Soul  Angel

(05-16-2024, 04:13 AM)mophus Wrote: Was that Palmira?  I had a solid order from them around 2013 or so.

Lulz. Omg I was alll about Palmira when it was good. I thought about it recently.
- They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if you don't go to the doctor for regular checkups, you're bananas. 
Big Grin Heart
Angel  It is Well with My Soul  Angel

u better have a very valid and consise reason in the header to get my attention. elsewise, u wont get ahold of me.

i have done forums more than 20 years. there are records of what i have said.

my profile, a 71 yr old minister, attorney does not freak police out. i was engaged to one and had many in my family.

this is not a game. it is a persons reputation.

some asswipe got my email and had facebook terminate my acct yesteday. i just deleted it. i am sick and getting too old for this crap.

then facebook read my posts. which are few. no spamming or scamming. i read. or i speak with some relatives.

if u guys knock me off say, this platform or another, it is my sign from God that I am released from this fol de rol.

so, i am here now. able to sit up. but if u mess with my email and accuse me of lies, my police friends will be less than thrilled with u.

i had just deleted facebook yesterday cuz i dont need this shit, when they hurriedly wrote back: we made a mistake. u have not done anything wrong. please come back.

about 8 yrs ago police read all these forums. and they all appreciated how i make no money. and i do this to help people cuz one never forgets when a glorious friend or seven, is depressed and mistakenly kills themself.

got it? i don't feel the strong need to do forums when my own health has suffered so. And I shall put God first. He tells me just relax today.

Just sayin.
Angel  It is Well with My Soul  Angel

of course i could write up a few papers and get you on defamation of character. in which case i get your monies.

just saying cuz some dickhead just tried this yesterday.

silly people.
Angel  It is Well with My Soul  Angel

if u need a vendor at a higher count of posts than u have, and are a reasonable, sincere person, email me, PM me.

i won't withhold such info whilst we are in such dire times. k?
Angel  It is Well with My Soul  Angel


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