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They are in the Welcome area. They are labelled Rules: 6/12 (referring to the date to show members I had put a new one up,) and I stupidly put a thumbs up to the left of the rules. So not my thing.

But, here ya go. You have been doing fine. Just as your friend stated you would. Thank you.
Angel  It is Well with My Soul  Angel

Every buggary bollocks autoimmune, at least those i have experienced parts of (my Dr. sister studied autoimmunes for her womens clinics and i studied them online doing forums.) will mess with your dental system. All of a sudden.

Biotene is expensive. They make little things one can carry to spray.

If I were a betting woman, I would bet very few people have flossed and brushed and water piked and had such work done. Good dentist. But they only studied women illnesses as separate from mens in 1990 i believe.

If one gets one autoimmune, one can get more of them. All of them. And, I even brush my teeth before i eat. Am told MS, lupus, the disability doctor said parkinsons, and i have severe PTSD.

Be careful of dentists now. They try to get the elders and those with dental issues to use a card called a CareCard. had been GE electric. And they will lie to u. Make it impossible for u to pay off ur balance. Ruin ur credit. I have a fraud case going. They lied to me and for a free consult, i am now supposed to pay four thousand or eight thousand dollars.

It was a free consult. Cuz disability was finally letting me get new implants for free.

Be careful. If a dentist tries to push you into: returning to work, moving in with your child, or your sister, and they will call for u, so u can pay for a free dental evaluation, then run run run. I have neveer seen so many complaints on YELP against dentists. Their outrageous costs.

You have my sympathy. A round of amoxi,, even fish antibiotics, is what helps me feel better for awhile.

And i read medicare is taking more money away from us. Oye.
Angel  It is Well with My Soul  Angel

Gosh, I went to a dentist many years ago that made a bad situation worse. She seemed to have a good reputation in a nice city on the east coast, she had won awards and was in the newspaper, but I got suckered into letting her drill out all of my evil metal fillings and replace them w/ the white composite.Gave me a few porcelain crowns, drilled 2 of my molars until they were paper thin craters. I think I financed at least one college education for her kids. Then, icing on the cake, at the end of all this, she convinced me to buy an overpriced electric toothbrush that I could have gotten for 1/3 of the price elsewhere. I was quite an idiot back then & believed that all doctors & dentists were god-like, altruistic, and only out to help the masses.

I had an amazing dentist before then out west who had shown me the holes that I was grinding into my teeth at night, using a camera and projecting video images onto a tv in the room. That was quite cool technology back then. Ha. He was wonderful and even living in a city w/ beautiful plastic gleaming white toothed people, he never once suggested that I change anything that wasn’t ‘broke’, or cavity-filled b/c now I know that he could see how damaged my teeth were from both grinding & clenching. I’ve worn a mouth guard dutifully ever since then (until now - i try but I’ve kind of given up).

Then I move cross country, realize it’s been ages since I had a checkup, go to this blood sucking wench of a dentist, and have never been the same. I did finally find someone that I could trust, but only after having a bad tooth extracted by a moron & suffering immeasurably just grinding away on the stitches waking w/ a red pillow every morning. Anyway, 4 implants, 2 root canals and 2 gold crowns later, I feel I’m fighting a losing battle. It pains me to think of anyone having a more difficult time with teeth b/c it is not fun.

I’ve moved away from the lady that was helping me so much and had basically cured my grinding, (she was a TMJ specialist) but was crestfallen when she told me that she could not resolve clenching. I mistakenly believed that they were one & the same. She said clenching was caused by anxiety.

Jeez so sorry that I’ve written a babbling novel, but I just wanted to say that I feel for anyone that has issues with their teeth. I am probably lucky compared to what you’ve endured, Charon. I am truly sorry to hear how you’ve struggled w/ your teeth, among other things.
* *  If you're lonely in your nightmare, let me in...
Wow I feel so fortunate after reading your posts! My mouth is full of fillings and it definitely was not fun going to the dentist as a child. Even to this day I barely go for routine cleanings because of how scared I am of the dentist.
Very important information, and very helpful to people who are not so much into the computers. Wishing everyone an amazing holiday season.
(12-15-2019, 02:45 PM)Pebbles1 Wrote: Wow I feel so fortunate after reading your posts!  My mouth is full of fillings and it definitely was not fun going to the dentist as a child. Even to this day I barely go for routine cleanings because of how scared I am of the dentist.

Same here but I force myself to go to routine cleanings by making the next appointment when I am at the current cleaning.  I dread when my dentist office gets a new hygienist because they always say "wow you have had a lot of work done".  Like I didn't know that....   Cool
(09-20-2019, 06:52 PM)Charon Wrote: Every buggary bollocks autoimmune, at least those i have experienced parts of (my Dr. sister studied autoimmunes for her womens clinics and i studied them online doing forums.) will mess with your dental system.  All of a sudden.

Biotene is expensive.  They make little things one can carry to spray. 

If I were a betting woman, I would bet very few people have flossed and brushed and water piked and had such work done. Good dentist.  But they only studied women illnesses as separate from mens in 1990 i believe.

If one gets one autoimmune, one can get more of them.  All of them.  And, I even brush my teeth before i eat. Am told MS, lupus, the disability doctor said parkinsons, and i have severe PTSD.

Be careful of dentists now. They try to get the elders and those with dental issues to use a card called a CareCard. had been GE electric.  And they will lie to u.  Make it impossible for u to pay off ur balance.  Ruin ur credit. I have a fraud case going.  They lied to me and for a free consult, i am now supposed to pay four thousand or eight thousand dollars.

It was a free consult.  Cuz disability was finally letting me get new implants for free.

Be careful.  If a dentist tries to push you into:  returning to work, moving in with your child, or your sister, and they will call for u, so u can pay for a free dental evaluation, then run run run. I have neveer seen so many complaints on YELP against dentists. Their outrageous costs.

You have my sympathy.  A round of amoxi,, even fish antibiotics, is what helps me feel better for awhile.

And i read medicare is taking more money away from us.  Oye.
Ah heck, I already typed this once and swiped out of the screen. My point is with all my autoimmune diseases, I always get white painful bumps (need lidocaine gel to help) all over my gums and mouth entirely. As we speak, my mom called and was like what happened to you? I said no idea, besides the fact I have a huuuuuge white bump on the tip of my tongue. Hurts like I am chewing on jalapeño seeds. 

but yes, autoimmune and dental go together. Crohn’s disease and mouth sores come on together at the same time.  

peace, I’m out. Have a wonderful day everyone - regardless if you have illnesses or not - especially if you have illnesses - keep your chin held high even more!!

A Great Mind and a Good Heart and Soul Will Always Prevail and Rule Over The Rumors Fakery and Bullsh@t That You Go Through.
Some dentists will lie to anyone just so that they can get more money.
When i was younger i was in a health fund dentist and they were always fine because they get paid the same wage no matter what.
About 1-2 years later my parents took me off the health fund and decided to take me to a regular dentist.
This dentist was a South African dentist(I have nothing against South Africans for the record) anyway after checking my teeth this dentist told me that i had holes in 4-5 Teeth and the bill was massive. So my parents put me back on the health fund and 6 months later i went to the dentist and they said that i had no holes in my teeth. So always get a second opinion when it comes to some dentists.
In saying all this i recently went to a normal dentist and she was great, she fixed up my teeth and the bill was cheaper than what i expected.
Opiates are bad for the teeth Methadone is the worst and smoking meth is obviously bad for your teeth. My mouth gets so dry from severe anxiety and biotene did absolutely nothing. Anxiety meds help but they screw with your brain long term, Trust me.
Definitely good info thank you for posting this!
Ughh. Feel better!

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