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Escape from reddit
Howdy ya'll. Just wanted to poke my head in and say hi. I am a transplant from Reddit, and used to be on a couple other forums around the 2008ish era. Checking this place out for now.
OMG, isn't escaping from reddit akin to escaping from Mattewan, the NJ home for the criminally insane?

Oh, I kid.

Welcome aboard. May u find all u need herein.

The rules:

You sound like you have spirit and a sense of fun. Looking forward to your posts.

But, know ye this: You cannot see our most prized connections until one achieves fifty posts. K?

Have fun.
Angel  It is Well with My Soul  Angel

Hello and welcome, juiceman! Smile
Welcome in Juiceman! Escape from Reddit - I like it! Reddit has it's uses for sure Smile Especially for juice but that's another topic!
Welcome! I use reddit daily for the news/humor and silly subreddits that im curious about. I dont uh owever, contribute to conversations anywhere there. Its so volitale!
Hope you enjoy this forum and find what you need.

Oh man thing are very different in this forum. Its more communit based. Its structured differently and the rules are iron clad.

Get to know the rules and customs before going crazy with posts that may not be appropriate. I'm still learning myself.

Nice to have some news to learn the ropes with

Hello Juiceman. I hope you discover the real juice is here ! As for reddit it is a great escape from a chaos to a more ordered company . You will love this forum. It has nothing to do with your old forum. Read a lot and respect the rules. That is all you have to do for start.
Welcome Juiceman, this is a great place to learn and shoot the S#*T but make sure to read the rules carefully and abide by them. The mods and admin do a great job around here running a tight ship and they do this for all of our safety!! Ok so i really have to ask, which is the main reason i said HI, (lolol jk) but foreal what is Reddit
(11-29-2016, 12:25 AM)bluecoral Wrote: Welcome Juiceman, this is a great place to learn and shoot the S#*T but make sure to read the rules carefully and abide by them.  The mods and admin do a great job around here running a tight ship and they do this for all of our safety!!  Ok so i really have to ask, which is the main reason i said HI, (lolol jk) but foreal what is Reddit
I like to use reddit for purely entertainment purposes. There's a lot of garbage on that site. But there is a sub-reddit for almost any/everything. It is also a great tool for learning, but almost anything posted needs to be taken with a grain of salt. The motorcycles subreddit is my go-to time waster! Smile

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