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bromazepam thougts experiences
Thanks Richard! I do feel more at ease and though "Bromaz has little influence on WBC's", I wish it did for my situation!! Thanks again for taking an interest in my situation.
Really appreciate everyone's input on this thread, been curious about this for some time.. l have only heard great things. Thanks op and crew!!
Mellow.  I like it.  and priced right.
Excuse me for butting in, but Jose I fail to see how the input you added just doesn't fit the current conversation ... "I like it" and "priced right" detracts from the general help the poster was actually looking for...

Please refrain from adding non-useful comments as they are certainly NOT appreciated in situations such as these...


(09-03-2018, 11:09 PM)josegonzalez Wrote: Mellow.  I like it.  and priced right.
Semper Fidelis

[Image: SyAa0qj.png]

Nemo me impune lacessit
I've used the green 6mg bromaz for some time now and I like it. It's a great daytime benzo b/c it dosen't make you sleepy. In that sense it's more a functional benzo.

Personally I don't take bromaz regularly. But, in a pinch, its an absolute lifesaver. On days when i'm plagued by anxiety and/or there's important work due, bromaz works like a charm.

It's a very "clean" feeling benzo though. Not much recreational value
I have never tried it. the only unexplored benzo for me is that and fluntrz66m. I ordered some rc clon but that was a disaster. I literally don't remember 4 days of my life. The liquids you gotta be super moderate. I mismeasured and it was insane. Not a great experience. Halci7n is my favorite, but strong. I am interested to hear more.
(03-16-2017, 02:35 PM)cmdline Wrote: ive gotten some recently,and while tried it in the past didnt notice much,seems interesting benzo from what i gather it was first benzo to be developed if im correct.Now some people compare it better then valium,others say its cleaner,since affects only anxiety and dont induce tiredness or sleepiness and more clear minded.Now not sure how its dosage compares to rest of benzos but found one saying 6mg=10 mg val or close to it,also half life seems longer then xanax .while dont want to jump and try high dosages,wonder does anyone take it and how do you find it,as compared to more streamline benzos.

I took 6mg of bromazepam today. It felt like a normal dose of klonopin to me. Seems it’s half life is decent as all I took is 6mg today and if I were to use Xanax, I would need to redose every 3 hours or get a withdrawal. It feels like Valium honestly. I think it’s a good benzo.
Limited experience but if its quality , should work like a K. I know they are pretty common in Europe.

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