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Kolonop!n for Migraines
Clonazepam, brand name Klonopin, has been used 'off label' for migraine prevention which means it's not intended for migraine prevention but appears to work for some people. For me It has been a god send. And has worked the best for me.

 There is more time than life ....  so make it count!
I have been a migraine sufferer for almost 30 years. I have been through many, many different treatments and tests over the years. Beta blockers, triptans.. the list is immense. The only thing that has worked the last 15 years is midrin with a fiornal backup. I can take it in aura or full blown and within 30 - 60 minutes it is like it never happened. I can function, drive, work, etc. It is not covered by insurance, as one of the components was grandfathered with the FDA. Insurance companies just changed their rules last year or the year before that they will not cover any med not FDA approved. My insurance was paying for it for years... thankful for good rx. Anyway, just a suggestion to try if nothing else is working. It has been an absolute Godsend for me.
almost any benzo works for migraines literally alp, diaz helped me many times in past, thou theres always addiction side for those who use is off label, once a month is fine, make it more regular, migraine will be your last issue.
Let me now rescind my suggestion of the midrin. I get one prescription a year with three refills. I have been very lucky, since I had my boys, that I only get minimal migraines every few months. The FDA told the one company still making it to stop. Either someone will get the study done on the compound or it will never be made again. I am grateful I found a compounding pharmacy that has the compound and will make them for me, for now. The cost is 5 x what I was paying but I don't care at this point. I am really, really angry again (we went through this in 2011) and scared.
I never knew this worked, I get bad headaches this may be a good cure.
I have heard Clon@zapam is good for migraines from my friend. Vitamin B-2 is good as well. Just try to use the lowest dosage that prevents the migraines. Jordan Peterson was going from 2-4 milligrams a day and now is visibly suffering from a year of trying to get off. Stick to .5 to 1mg and you should be good. Not to be all advice or anything, but what he went through man, I'm glad he's still alive and getting better.
Update I tried for the first time today worked quite well thank you !
(02-01-2018, 06:14 AM)Xfizzler Wrote: I have been suffering from crippling migraines on and off. And was recently prescribed k0lonop!n and theses migraines last for 6 to 8 hrs. I had tried everything! And  Believe it or not this prescription actually helped. I’m amazed. Has anyone else heard about that or have experience that?

Yeah I had the same thing happen to me, any b3nzo really helped me with the migraines because they were all stress induced for me.

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